
时间:2021-10-12 12:29:35 浏览量:

篇一:Three wishes三个愿望

Three Wishes

I’m an ordinary girl. And as for me, I’m thinking of living a peaceful and happy life. That’s all I hope. However, it occurs to me that I still have three wishes at the bottom of my heart.

If I could, I wanna be a fish swimming in the ocean. To feel the seawater, to see the view under the sea, to explore the origin of life from the sea. If I were a fish, I could put myself into the endless sea and go anywhere I like.

If I could, I wanna be a child forever. Cause when I grow older and older, I become less and less innocent. If I were a child, I would keep a childlike heart. With it, I will be still young when I’ll be 80.

If I could, I wanna be my parents’ parents. How hard have they brought me up! How grateful would I be for them! If I were their parents, I would raise them up just like the way they do for me to pay them back.

If I could, I wanna make my three wishes come true. As we all know, that’s impossible. Actually, good wishes can make sense to our life. Having good wishes, we express our good feelings and pursue a better life.

篇二:my three wishes

My Three Wishes

“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope,” Martin Luther King says in his famous speech“I have a dream”, which encourages innumerable blacks to fulfill their dreams. Although the black leader suffered murder in 1969, he had significant impact on the people alive all over the world. Now, we live in a freedom, equal and peaceful circumstance that Martin is always pursuing. Do you have any wishes? If you are given chances to realize your dreams, what’s your dream? If I have the opportunity, my three dreams are as follows.

I hope that my parents are healthy forever and my family stays as happy as now. Parents are more laborious than before. Owing to the one child policy, parents pay much attention to children’s education. As a result, they spend plenty of time and energy in companying children’s growth. Besides, they often work so hard that ignoring their own health. On the one hand, the traditional concept for Chinese is that children should support their parents, on the other hand, the faultiness social security system can’t provide for all old people. The last but not the least, with the increasing age of our parents, their body function can’t operate as well as our youth. Another considerable factor is the exorbitant hospitalization costs after getting ill. The parents’ health is what I am concerned. Besides, I have the second dreams.

I expect that I can finish school and seek a job successfully. Nowadays, the demand of employment is restricted as the recessionary economic while the graduates are expand quickly in recent years. It’s difficult for us to gain the master degree. Compared with undergraduates, the courses for postgraduates are much harder. So it’s not easy to pass the final exam. In addition, writing essays and answering the questions raised by teachers during the final comment on essays are also difficult. Furthermore, what I care about is that the work is the starting for career. Finding a better job is likely to make the employment dream come true. This dream is designed for myself, but the next one is for all young people.

I prospect that the young can own houses which Chinese call it family after graduation. The high price of commercial residential building hampers young people’s dream to have a family with their lovers. The young generation who was born in the 1980’s can’t afford a house even though getting credit from the bank. However, the house is one of the indispensable material bases in the society. From the other perspective, our country’s stability is based on every small family’s harmony. That’s the third wishes I want to share.

Parent’s health, individual’s study and work and owning houses for the young are my three wishes. Maybe the young generation has the same dreams like me. In order to make the dreams come true, both the government and we should take efforts. I hope that the ordinary wishes is not the uealized wishes but the fact that everyone can see and enjoy it one day.

Xiao Pan

Class 18


My Three Wishes

“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope,” Martin Luther King says in his famous speech“I have a dream”, which encourages innumerable blacks to fulfill their dreams. Although the black leader suffered murder in 1969, he had significant impact on the people alive all over the world. Now, we live in a freedom, equal and peaceful circumstance that Martin is always pursuing. Do you have any wishes? If you are given chances to realize your dreams, what’s your dream? If I have the opportunity, my three dreams are as follows.

Ⅰ. Healthy parents and happy family

A. Laborious parents

1. one child policy in China

2. spending much time and energy on children

B. Hard work for parents

1. supporting old people

2. faultiness social security system

C. Parent’s degenerate body function

1. increasing age of parents

2. expensive medicine costs after ill

Ⅱ. Successful graduate and employment

A. Difficult in finding a job

1. expand graduates

2. less work opportunities

B. Hard in gaining a master degree

1. difficult in passing the final exam

2. hard in writing an essay

C. Higher start for career

1. better job, higher start of career

Ⅲ. Owning houses for the young

A. High price for commercial houses

1. too less income to afford a house

2. indispensable material basis for the young

B. The stable base for our country

1. harmony small family if owning a house

Parent’s health, individual’s study and work and owning houses for the young are my three wishes. Maybe the young generation has the same dreams like me. In order to make the dreams come true, both the government and we should take efforts. I hope that the ordinary wishes is not the uealized wishes but the fact that everyone can see and enjoy it one day.

篇三:Three wishes schools(1)

School Life in Three Wishes School

(by Julie Sykes)

Chapter 1: Test time at the Three Wishes School

It was test time again at the Three Wishes School for genies. Miss Genius put a pile of test papers in her cupboard. Then she beamed at the class.

“Tomorrow is your end of year test,” she said. “Work hard and don?t worry. Then you will all pass.”

Jem Stone groaned. He?d forgotten all about the test. Flying was sure to come up in the test and his magic carpet had a hole in it. He?d been meaning to fix it for ages. Now he?d have to spend all evening mending the hole. He wouldn?t have time to practice for the test. But there was worse to come.

“Today we are going to practice flying our carpets,” said Miss Genius. “Line up at the window with your carpets, class.”

Pearl stood up and accidentally-on-purpose trod on Jem?s foot. “Ouch!” he cried. “Look out, clumsy clogs!”

“Me? Clumsy?” said Pearl, spitefully. “You?re the most clumsy genie in the whole of the school, Jem Stone!”

Jem frowned. It was true. He didn?t mean to be clumsy, but he did have a lot of accidents. Only last week, he?d fallen into the lake when the class were learning about frogs.

“Don?t listen to Pearl,” said Pebble, kindly. Pebble was Jem?s best friend and she didn?t like Pearl at all.

Miss Genius frowned at Jem and Pebble. “No talking!”

Miss Genius went on, “Pearl. Thank you for tidying up my room after class, yesterday. You can go first.”

Pearl smirked. “Out of my way,” she said. “Teacher?s pet,” hissed Jem.

“Don?t listen to her,” said Pebble. “She?s not worth it.”

Pearl had the best magic carpet in the school but she wasn?t very good at flying. She almost bumped into the window when she flew out of the classroom. Her carpet wobbled and then she was gone.

“I can catch her, easy peasy,” said Jem. He jumped onto his carpet, and shouted, “Fly!”

“Mind that hole!” Pebble told him.

“I will,” said Jem, and he whizzed out of the window.

Important sentences:

1. Flying was sure to come up in the test.


2. He?d been meaning to fix it for ages.


3. Pearl stood up and accidentally-on-purpose trod on Jem?s foot. 珀尔站起来,有意无意地踩了简姆一脚。

4. He didn't mean to be clumsy, but he did have a lot of accidents. 他并不想笨手笨脚,但是的确他出了很多状况。

5. Teacher?s pet.


6. She?s not worth it.


Word bank:

genie[?d?i:ni] n. 精灵,妖怪 beam[bi:m]vi. 微笑

groan[gr?un] v. 呻吟,抱怨 carpet['kɑ:pit]n. 地毯

accidentally[.?ksi?dent?li]adv. 偶然地,意外地

accidentally-on-purpose adj. 把蓄意的行动说成是偶然的 clumsy['kl?mzi]adj. 笨拙的,不得体的,笨重的 spitefully['spaitfuli]adv. 怀恨地, 怀有恶意地 frown[fraun]v. 不同意,皱眉头 smirk[sm?:k]v. 假笑,得意地笑 wobble['w?bl] vi. 摇晃,游移不定 easy peasy非常简单

whiz[wiz]n. 飕飕声,飕飕掠过

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